In the train I sit
Grey clouds circling the white dull sky
Sudden drizzle and the cold breeze
Makes the twilight brim with hues
Desperate to scribble
With no pen in hand
I hesitantly borrow one
A friend who made one of my travel worth remembering
The travel in which I couldn’t even enjoy
My most reminiscent place
The beach at the sunset
I usually sit alone,lonely
Gazing the glorified giant loose itself
into the darkness
Not even my best felas share that moment
with me
Even though they are close around
But this beach was special with white sands
and shallow depths
The sky turned saffron red
Birds making its way into the horizon
For the first time I wanted to share these
moments with a special friend of mine
I didn’t invite
Nor did time help
I didn’t wait for the sunset
I missed the most relishing moment of the
This companion of mine knew my heart well
Struggle for words made me look into the
pen owner’s face
Deep slumber had embraced him
I made a happy sigh
This friend of mine help me discover my
true self
Understanding self in those sparkled few
Gives birth to life’s most cherished
May be a travel’s most revelled moments
comes not from the place you visited
Or the sites you have seen
It’s the people who makes it fulfilling
These moments of friendship makes this
shallow life a fathom deeper
In these moments we live rather exist
Views and dimensions of thought differ
But these pure moments of happiness makes
me live more
Now the dusk has slowly sneaked in
There is grin in the owner’s face
Thinking what this manner less fellow is
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